An Eco-friendly Pharmaceutical Tube Manufacturer

Last updated: 17 Mar 2022  |  1356 Views  | 

PBL Tubes are completely recyclable.

Many consumers are examining their lifestyles and buying habits. They’re making a concerted effort to decrease their carbon footprint by choosing products made by manufacturers that share the same environmental concerns.

Manufacturers are noticing the growth in public awareness and are joining their customers and considering the environmental impact before making many of their product decisions. This includes pharmaceutical tube manufacturers

These tube manufacturers have recognised that improvements can be made that, while time-consuming and costly, will help them deliver superior and more sustainable products in the future. But they also realise that taking these steps can have an immediate benefit. 

Reducing Greenhouse Gases Also Provides Understanding

Victor Packaging in Thailand is a major manufacturer of extruded tubes and PBL tubes, and both are used extensively by the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. They also manufacture PET bottles, used worldwide by personal care producers. 

As part of an industry that relies on public recycling in order to be sustainable, Victor Packaging wanted to set an example to the industry by reducing their carbon footprint. 

Once research into this task was underway, they discovered the changes they planned to make would likely also affect many other companies and systems connected to their industry and its products. This research taught them about the relationship their products would have with their customers, the shippers and handlers, the retailers, the consumers, and the recyclers. 

It also gave them more of an idea of the lifecycle of, say, a plastic tube of sunscreen. This complete picture could then help identify other areas that could be improved to reduce their impact on the natural world. 

Starting at the Beginning

Victor Packaging realised that by going down this road, the things learned in the process could also be used by their customers and suppliers to improve their own operations. 

The project is still underway and not scheduled to be completed until 2023, but they have already replaced over 30% of the equipment in their six factories across Thailand. The equipment they’ve replaced it with is based on hybrid technologies, which is paying immediate dividends. The new equipment is on average 70% more power-efficient than their old equipment. By using less power, the savings can be invested into more research and different ways of streamlining their operations and reducing their carbon footprint further. 

Their Customers Benefit by Association

By demonstrating a commitment to continuously improving their processes and operations to reduce their carbon footprint, word got out in the industry and Victor Packaging’s reputation as a responsible manufacturer grew. Their customers also benefit by association. Many brands have partnered with Victor Packaging primarily because they support the direction this major packaging manufacturer is taking the industry.

Consumers care about the environment and applaud the research and exercises being done into ways to mitigate humanity’s impact on the natural world. They are then supporting the brands that share their mission.  

And as consumers learn more about the various steps companies within the packaging industry can take to reduce their carbon footprint, they learn about the importance of recycling.

Increasing the volume of recycled products helps the packaging industry as well as the earth. Experiments are now being done to increase the amount of recycled material being put into new plastic products. The ultimate goal will be an almost complete reliance on recycled material as the primary ingredient in most of the world’s packaging materials. 

Join the Effort to Save the Earth

If you work for a brand in the food, cosmetics or pharmaceutical industries, and you care about the future of the planet, you can join the effort to reduce the carbon footprint of your brand. 

By simply buying your packaging products from Victor Packaging or another manufacturer committed to reducing their carbon footprint, your entire supply chain will get a valuable education into how your product’s lifecycle affects the earth. 

Your brand will gain a favourable public image while having the opportunity to act on the things you've learned by association.   

Please contact Victor Packaging today to learn more about what they can offer your brand as a packaging partner.

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