Plastic Tube Packaging Offers Many Benefits

Last updated: 28 Apr 2022  |  1138 Views  | 

Plastic tube packaging can make your products more eye-catching.

There’s a reason you see the products created by plastic tube packaging manufacturers wherever you go. This is an industry that is continually refining its products, the materials that go into its products and the processes used to manufacture them.  

We’ll look at these three constantly-changing areas of the plastic tube packaging business to see why this industry is so dynamic and why it’s likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future. 

Infinite Custom Products

Everyone who buys liquid or gel cosmetics, food products and pharmaceutical products uses plastic tubes. They’re the number one type of packaging used in their respective industries. The manufacturers of these products have, over many years of testing and research, developed them to have an irresistible balance of all the positive factors that product manufacturers are looking for. 

Importantly, they are inexpensive to produce. The reason the tube shape was adopted instead of a more consumer-friendly bottle shape was because of the cost and the speed of production. These tubes are manufactured in a long single, hollow tube shape, like a plastic hose. The exteriors of the tubes are often already printed with the manufacturer's graphics. They're then cut to size, and one end of them is heat-sealed, and the other end is capped. 

When this process was first developed, the tubes were all one colour, they were all one size, and they all had one type of cap. Today there’s an infinite number of colours, sizes and cap styles available to make your brand's products stand out from the competition. 

But some of the most important changes are within the tubes themselves. Today there are multilayer tubes on the market that offer food manufacturers a greater degree of hygiene and safety. These multilayer tubes feature an impenetrable membrane that envelops the product and separates it from the durable outer walls of the tube. This ensures that the product stays safe and free from contaminants.

Research into New and Improved Types of Plastics

The plastic packaging industry is well-aware of the need to increase plastic recycling and develop new types of plastics that are less harmful to the environment. They are hard at work on both fronts. 

Many people are unaware that plastic tubes have been completely recyclable from almost the moment they first showed up on the market. Recycling has always been a large part of the industry's ultimate sustainability goal. By recycling used tubes and plastic containers, consumers can provide an endless material source for the next generation of products. These products also become less expensive to produce because there’s less new material in them. And having to produce less material speeds up the entire manufacturing process from beginning to end. 

Traditional types of plastic are giving way to more environmentally friendly advances in bio-plastics. These are compounds created from sustainable, natural sources that have the same texture, flexibility, durability and characteristics as a wide variety of commercial plastics on the market today.  

Many companies in the packaging industry are investing a lot of time, money and resources in taking these new plastics from an environmental dream to an everyday reality. 

Improving Manufacturing Processes

Owners and managers of companies within the plastic tube packaging industry are aware that there has to be a harmony between the products and the processes used to create them if sustainability is a goal that can be achieved. 

Many of the industry's leading companies are doing their best to lower their carbon footprint as well as improve their materials and products. They are looking at not just their in-house practices but all the related fossil fuel reliant aspects of the manufacturing process, such as road travel, materials used, and workforce transportation.   

One of the companies leading the way is Victor Packaging of Thailand. Victor Packaging embarked on an admirable programme to reduce the carbon footprint of their six manufacturing plants by replacing a lot of their machinery with new and improved hybrid-technology machinery that uses alternative power sources.

They replaced more than 30% of their existing equipment by the end of 2021. The project will continue until 2023, when their operations will be, on average, 70% more power-efficient. Victor Packaging is demonstrating a commitment towards sustainability and the preservation of the environment that every company in the plastics industry should aspire to. 

Victor Packaging is serving as an industry icon in raising the bar to make plastic packaging suppliers more responsible and sustainable in the coming years. Contact them today to find out what they can offer your brand. 

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