What Defines a Quality Plastic Tube Packaging Supplier?

Last updated: 10 Dec 2021  |  1704 Views  | 

You want a plastic tube packaging supplier that offers custom packaging.

Choosing a plastic tube packaging supplier can be a nerve-racking process when your brand's name and reputation is on the line. Overall, you want to be sure you've covered all the bases and chosen a supplier that can deliver packaging products that are up to your standards, at a price that will appeal to your customers. 

But there are several other factors that can make your partnership with a chosen supplier a more valuable one. Let’s look at some of the qualities of the best plastic tube packaging suppliers. 

Speed and Efficiency

When your own production line is held up, and you have customers calling and asking about their orders, the last thing you need is excuses from your packaging supplier. 

You need a supplier who has enough experience to manage their supply chain efficiently and deliver everything on time. A supplier who causes you to lose money also damages your brand's reputation. No amount of discounts and promises can fix the loss of a valued customer. 

A supplier who also continuously updates and refines their production processes to run more efficiently is the supplier you should be partnering with for the long term. This supplier has the experience and progressive thinking needed to be innovative and use new technologies.

Custom Product Capabilities

Many packaging suppliers offer a range of set packaging products, forcing the customer to adapt their products to what the supplier is offering. This limits your brand's creativity and ability to design new products and gain market share. 

You want to partner with a packaging supplier that will work with you to provide custom packaging that suits your products and ensures you can compete in the marketplace. 

Full-Colour Printing

In the past, plastic tube suppliers would print the product's graphics on labels that would then be glued to the tubes. This necessitated extra steps in the manufacturing process and also added weight to the product. 

The reason for this was that the plastic used at the time wasn’t a suitable surface for printing. The inks could not adhere to the surface without smudging and smearing. 

Nowadays, the best plastic tube suppliers have reformulated the plastic to offer a surface that can be printed on directly using a full 4-colour printing process, which is incorporated into the manufacturing operation. 

Best Example of a Quality Plastic Tube Packaging Supplier

Victor Packaging in Thailand is the best example of a progressive plastic tube packaging manufacturer. They’re constantly updating their manufacturing process to make use of the latest innovations and refining their products and processes to reduce their impact on the planet. 

Find out more by contacting Victor Packaging today at their headquarters in Bangkok. 

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